Wednesday, 29 September 2010


The trailer I will be analysing for editing techniques is a film called 'Slumdog Millionaire. This film has various editing techniques which have been used to connect each clip together to make a complete movie trailer. The trailer begins with an editing technique called the fading transition and this is when the end of a little clip fades out and fades into another clip. This transition is usually used to show establishing shots or to create tension between characters in the film. The editor chose to use this effect at the beginning of the trailer to create a tension for us and the young man on the tv show as he is close to becoming a millionaire and the tension rises as he is on the last question and this effect helps to build up the tension. In this film. The next technique is the most common transition used in editing trailers for games, films, etc. and this trainsition is called the cutting transition. This is where one clip is replaced with another clip with no visible transition. This technique is used firstly because they dont want to reveal the whole film in just the trailer so the editors shorten the clips and use this technique to show short but important and exciting parts of the film.Cutting transitions can also be shortened and put together to show tension and excitement during a dramatic part of the trailer. The last transition i will be talking about from this trailer is the dissolving transition. This transition is used in the film to show the main character looking back on his past and remeniscing about important people in his life. This technique is used when a character is thinking about someone/something. It can also be used to show that time has past e.g. at 1.12, you see the girl when she was young and then you see the dissolving transition of the boy and you see the fear in his eyes and the pain from his past.

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